Tuesday, January 8, 2019

jrnl | 08. Resolutions & Goals ★

We're only in the 2nd week of January, but it feels like time is moving so fast. With January comes the start of the new year and that means resolutions, goals, planning and so much more. So for this post I thought I'd keep it simple and share my resolutions for 2019 as well as some blog and life goals. I love posting them on here, because having it posted and public helps me stick to them.

My resolutions for 2019 include a lot of the same from previous years. Wanting to stay on a health kick and get some workout time, cooking at home more often and spending more time outside. I really want to focus on my blog and working because I am interested in moving within the next 2 years. Normally I put down that I want to get back started with nursing school, but I know that can tend to get hectic very quickly so I'm not making it a HUGE focus at the moment while I'm getting the basics of my life back on track.

As for goals for the year, I kept them simple as well. I want to take some driving classes. I have really bad anxiety and it takes over once I'm behind the wheel. I'm really interested in trying to get that sorted out or at least start working on it. I also want to travel more. Travelling more was one of my resolutions from last year, but so much happened it was put on the back-burner and never really thought about again. Rounding out my goals is more activity on my blog and social media. I'm hoping to get more active followers, be more active and(dare I say it) even get a few sponsored posts put out.

So, I'm very excited to see how 2019 unfolds and where it takes me(or I take it)! What are your plans for 2019? What resolutions or goals are you planning to focus on?

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